Blog Stage Seven: The Electoral College System

I am in favor of the Electoral College system. Article II of the U.S. Constitution makes it possible to elect the president and vice president through the Electoral College system. What was going through the minds of the framers at this time? The framers always intended for the states to have the power in choosing the president. They believed that the people were not educated enough to put the right person for the job in office. On July 25, 1787, Delegate Gerry exclaimed, “A popular election, in this case, is radically vicious. The ignorance of the people would put it in the power of some one set of men dispersed through the Union, and acting in concert, to delude them into any appointment." They believed if this power was placed in the hands of the people than it would lead to “tyranny of the majority”. The tyranny of the majority would be harmful to the minority and lead to subjugation to disliked ethnic, religious, or political groups. In addition to the reasons stated above...